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4 top tips for blissing out your bedroom
how to make a dreamy sleep sanctuary

Ever wondered how some people make their bedrooms super relaxing? Or have you tried all of the tricks in the book and still can’t seem to nod off? If this sounds familiar, you've landed in the right spot. Check out our top tips for making a dreamy sleep sanctuary.

make your bedroom a work-free space

Did you know that you spend a whopping third of your life sleeping? So it makes perfect sense to create a sleep sanctuary that gets you in the mood for a fantastic night’s slumber.

Between balancing a busy work schedule, getting the kids to school on time (yes, even home school) and all those extra bits in-between, your brain and body can get a bit overworked meaning that you’re forever counting sheep.

But there is a secret to creating a snooze-inducing, stress-free sleep zone: banish work from the bedroom. Our sleep expert Dave Gibson explains why: “Working from home encourages a blurring of boundaries. Always keep your work and home/ relaxation/ sleep space as separate and as distinct as possible. The bedroom should be for sleep and cuddles only.”

get your bed right

This one might seem obvious. But the hero of any irresistible sleep sanctuary really is the bed. One that you can’t wait to dive into, night after night.

We know we’re biased. But that really starts with the mattress you plonk yourself down on. So whether foam or hybrid is your vibe, it’s important to get the right one that hugs you in all the right places (which is where our handy 100 night trial comes in).

Next on the list is bedding. Clambering into clean, crisp bed linen is one of the nicest feelings in the world. And it’s been proven to help us sleep better, too. So whether you prefer huggably soft cotton or light and breezy linen, cocoon-like comfort is ideal for catching those precious zzz’s.

And finally, no bed is complete without trusty pillows. So make sure you find your perfect match that’ll make resting your weary head a joy night after night, morning after morning.

banish messiness

Do the words “tidy your room!” ever ring in your ears? Us too. But we have to admit that a neat and organised room really does lead to better zzz’s.

A study conducted by the clever folks at New York’s St. Lawrence University has revealed that a messy bedroom can lead to a poor night’s sleep. That’s because people who have more clutter filling the space in their bedrooms tend to take longer to drop off.

So perhaps it’s time to upgrade that floordrobe. A nifty bedside pocket can take care of the smaller items. But if there’s rather a mountain (ahem) of stuff on the floor, it might be worth looking at something a little bigger.

add the finishing touches

Now that you’ve created your sleep sanctuary, the last thing to do is add some relaxing goodies that will have you looking forward to bedtime every night.

A top tip from our sleep expert Dave is to “save certain scents only for the bedroom” so that your brain associates them with sleep rather than work. So a soothing scent or subtle diffuser could be just the ticket. Clever, huh?

And if a whirring mind is keeping you awake, here are a few things for you to try. There’s our 5 minute bedtime meditation that’s as calming as a cup of chamomile tea. A riveting bedtime read to help you unwind. And a weighted blanket that’s designed to ease you into the glorious sleep you need to rise and shine.