Our spring-free memory foam mattresses give the kind of support you need to make mornings that little bit brighter. If you prefer a touch of springy-ness, see our hybrid mattress range.
the original mattress

the premium mattress

the wunderflip memory foam mattress

the wunderflip premium memory foam mattress

what is a memory foam mattress?
A memory foam mattress is a spring free mattress that’s made purely from foam. Whereas traditional memory foam is thought of as sinky, stuffy and a bit underwhelming, all of the eve memory foam mattresses are made with layers upon layers of next generation breathable memory foam that’ll support you all the way to ‘jump out of bed’ type mornings.
how long do memory foam mattresses last?
We usually recommend that you replace your mattress after 7 to 8 years of use, though we did some tests which showed that eve mattresses keep their comfiness for up to 10. That’s where our handy 10 year warranty comes in.
As with all things in life, how long your mattress lasts is down to how much ELC (eve loving care) you put into it. We recommend that you rotate your eve mattress by 180 degrees every 30 days for the first 6 months, then every 3 months after that to ensure even wear and tear. You can do this by picking up the mattress by the handles, which are stitched underneath or on the sides to make it a bit easier to shift (we’re good like that). It’s best if you have an extra pair of hands to help.
memory foam vs hybrid mattresses: what’s the difference?
The difference between our foam and hybrid mattresses is that the hybrids are a mix of spring and foam rather than pure foam itself. As we want all of our mattresses to give you the stellar sleep you need to wake up dancing, we made sure the hybrids have the same great support, breathability and firmness as the foams. Take a look at the hybrids to see if the best of both worlds tickles your pickle