easy mattress care tips

There’s more to mattress care than meets the eye. Which is why we’ve broken it down for you into helpful little nuggets (not the food kind, sorry). Because we all want to get the most out of our mattresses, right? And it turns out there’s a few handy tips and tricks to help them last.

how do I set up my new mattress?

First thing’s first. If you’ve bought an eve mattress, you’re probably wondering how the dickens you’re going to get it out of its wrapping. It’s actually pretty easy, so make yourself a brew, stick on your favourite 80s music and let’s get started. And if you’ve got a buddy to help then even better (tip: bribe them with biscuits).


step 1

First, lay your wrapped mattress down sideways on top of your bed. Try to hold off from climbing on and pulling the covers over you just yet - there’s still a few more steps to go. 


step 2

Now, carefully remove the outer film. A quick note on this - the polythene wrapping used on your mattress is actually fully recyclable, so be sure to check with your local household recycling centre for more info. And stash it away from little ones and pets sharpish to stop them getting hold of it. 


step 3

As your mattress has been double wrapped to ensure it’s kept super fresh, you’ll also need to remove a second layer of wrapping. Do this next. 


step 4

Time for the fun bit: unroll your new mattress slowly but surely. It’spretty impressive watching how quickly it grows, right?  


step 5

Once it’s opened all the way out, flip your mattress like a gymnast on Pancake Day so that the eve label is on the side facing up. This is the side you’ll sleep on. Now all you need to do is position the mattress centrally, making sure the eve label is at the foot of the bed, and leave it to air out...  


step 6

You’renearly at the finish line. But we’d giving it 4 - 6 hours to grow lovely and plump and breathe a little (it’s been trapped in its wrapper until right now after all) before you hop on it and snuggle down for a snooze. Throw over the windows to enhance the ventilation in your bedroom too. In the meantime, isn’t it time for another cup of tea? 


step 7

After you’ve given your mattress 4-6 hours of out-of-its-packaging to breathe and plump up, you can (if you absolutely have to) sleep on it. That said, if at all possible we do recommend giving it 24-48 hours to grow to its full height first (did somebody suggest pulling an all-nighter and binging that boxset that’s been on your watchlist forever?).   


step 8

If you’ve bought a mattress from our wunderflip collection, it’s time to choose your comfort! For those with an eve original mattresses, you can skip this step! 

All ofourwunderflipmattresses are equipped with adaptable comfort and to access and personalise seek out the yellow zip. 

Once unzipped, you’llunveil the flippable layer – andwe’veeven made the effort to markwhich side is firmer and which side is softerso thatyou’renever left guessing. Also, please doignore the white zips– thesewere only neededin the making ofyour mattress.Nowthey’renothing more thanfancydécor. 


step 9

And that’s it. You’re done. All that’s left now is to nail your mattress care so that it stays in tip top shape. Shimmy on down the page to find out how.    


mattress care questions

how long can I keep my mattress in the box for?

Actually, our mattress don’t come in a box anymore. If you’re not quite ready to unwrap your mattress, no worries. You can keep it in there for up to 6 weeks and it’ll still be as happy as Larry. Any longer and it could void your warranty as the mattress might not plump out as nicely. Put simply: as with most things in life, our mattresses are best enjoyed fresh. 

can I put my mattress on the floor?

Well, no, not really. If you aren’t planning on using a properly supportive base alongside your new mattress, you’ll end up voiding your 10-year guarantee! A supportive bed is essential for making the most of your new mattress. What’s more, a key mattress care tip is letting your mattress breathe. While putting yours on the floor won’t stop it from being outrageously comfy and supportive, it does restrict its ability to breathe. Not bothered about the warranty? Be sure to pop your mattress on its side every now and then to let it air out properly. 

when can I sleep on my mattress?

We’d give it at least 4 - 6 hours so it can fully breathe after being released from its bed in a box (minus the box) past-life. But if you can, ideally, you’ll allow it 24-48 hours to expand to its full plumpy glory before sleeping on it. We get that that’s not always possible though so don’t worry, we won’t void your warranty if you do need to sleep on it after just 4-6 hours. 

how long does it take to get used to my new mattress?

We tend to compare it to a brand new pair of shoes. It might feel quite firm at first - especially if your previous mattress was old, squidgy and saggy - but all you need is a bit of time to adapt to each other while the mattress moulds to your body. That’s why all of our mattresses come with a 200-night trial.

Top tip: we recommend giving it at least 30 nights before you make up your mind.

how long will that ‘new mattress smell’ last?

You might notice a very slight whiff when you open your mattress box. Don’t let it scare you off - this is just the ‘box fresh’ smell as your mattress has been cooped up in there. It’s totally normal, completely harmless (all mattresses in boxes have this) and should disappear within a few days. Opening a window will help get rid of it.

how can I air a mattress?

This one’s easy. Simply shut the door of the room the mattress is in (if you can), crack open a window and pop your mattress on its side. That’ll let it air and breathe and all of those nice things.

will my mattress work with all bed bases?

Yep, but the type of bed base might change the way the mattress feels. Bed frames with wooden slats and platform beds will give your mattress more support, whereas box springs might create a softer feel.

Another hot mattress care tip: if you’ve got a slatted bed frame, make sure the gaps aren’t wider than 7cm and that the slats are evenly spaced. Simples.

how can I clean my mattress?

An easy mattress maintenance secret is to keep yours clean. But how the jiffy are you meant to clean a mattress when it doesn't fit in the washing machine? Well, luckily for you, the very way our mattresses are designed helps to keep things fresh (hello, ultra breathable foam and washable top panel). But there are some proper steps to care for your mattress - read our mattress cleaning guide for all of the juicy details.

do I need to turn my mattress?

All eve mattresses work at their best one side up, so you don’t have to flip them over. They do like it if you give them a quick rotate, though. You can do this by picking them up by the stitched-in handles on the side or underneath, then swizzling them round by 180 degrees. Do that every 30 days for the first year then every 3 months after that and you’ll have yourself an evenly worn mattress (check you out).

can I use an electric blanket or heated cover on the mattress?

Yep, but stick it on top of your bed sheet rather than under it to protect your mattress. We only recommend using an electric blanket that’s younger than 10 years old to be on the safe side, though.

can I use a hot water bottle while on the mattress?

Absolutely, but make sure the top’s screwed on tight. If any water gets onto your mattress it could cause some pretty bad damage (better whack on a water resistant mattress protector just to be sure, eh?).

can I use a protector on the mattress?

That leads us nicely onto our next question. Protectors are great for keeping your mattress spick and span and they can also protect from dust mites.

how does the 10-year guarantee work?

We offer a 10 year guarantee on every eve mattress if it’s intended for domestic use. So if anything pops up like a fault with the mattress, we can help you sort it. Hop over to our warranty page for more info.

how often should a mattress be changed?

We go on quite the journey with our mattresses. But they do need replacing at some point. Our mattress boffin Peter recommends replacing yours every 8 years for hygiene reasons (and to make sure you’re getting top notch support), but you’re covered by our 10 year warranty if you want to keep yours a little longer.

what should I do if my mattress is dipping?

If your mattress is dipping, it might not have proper support. Making sure you have the right bed frame to support it (like an evenly slatted one or a platform one) will help keep your mattress evenly supported, preventing any dipping. It’s one of the easiest mattress care actions you can take, really.

how often should I wash my bedding?

Did you know that keeping your bedding squeaky clean is a super easy way to care for your mattress? Yup, regular washes can help to keep germs and dust mites at bay (and it just feels plain nicer). So it’s really up to you how often you wash it, but we’d recommend every couple of weeks according to the instructions on the label.

anything else we can help you with?

If you have any other questions, or just fancy a natter, contact our customer experience team using this form and someone will be in touch with you in a jiffy.